Monthly Archives: August 2011

The Great Minnesota Get-Together

Yesterday, Scott and I went to the Minnesota State Fair.

It was the perfect day to go. . . middle of the week and sprinkling rain on and off really kept the crowds down so there was actually room to walk!

so excited for the fair. . . Winking smile


First fair food: Roasted corn on the cob. . .


always the best corn ever!


Up next: sunfish fillets with yummy sauce in a boat!


And the sweet stuff. . .

Scott always has to get Sweet Martha’s cookies.


And he always has to get the huge bucket. . . where they pile it super high and you have to eat a ton before you can even put the lid on!


And our ‘new’ fair food this year: pig licker –> chocolate covered bacon sprinkled with sea salt


It was interesting. . . it tasted like bacon with chocolate on it! Smile Both Scott and I said we didn’t think we would get it again, but it was a fun thing to try!

Also eaten but no pictures: Nitrogen frozen vanilla ice cream – so rich and creamy and Scott got a vanilla milk shake from the University of Minnesota Moo booth.

Laura and her boyfriend got to the fair just before we had to leave, so I was able to snag a few mini doughnuts from her!

And fun self portraits on the bus on the way back to the car!



Always a good time at the great MN get-together!


Filed under vacation

Ice cream for dinner

Lazy Sunday afternoon.

Took Scott and Abby for a 4 mile run.

Decided cooking was too much work last night.

So, this happened.


M&M dairy queen blizzard.

And yeah – it was good!

Perfect end to our weekend!

And now it is Monday again. . .

Super excited for tomorrow – Scott took the day off work and we are going to the great MN get-together –> the State Fair!!!

Hope you had a great end to your weekend and a good start to your week. . . do you ever eat ice cream for dinner???

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Filed under Dinner

Scones redone

Last night was a perfect Saturday night in my house: Papa John’s pineapple pizza and Season 5 of Dexter!

And some peppermint bon bon ice cream for dessert!

This morning, all I could think about was the scone I had for breakfast yesterday. . . but I wasn’t going to get dressed and drive all the way across town. . .

So, the next best thing: make something up!

Thankfully, we had some bisquick in the pantry. So, I made some biscuits. I made a mesh between the standard biscuit recipe on the box and the recipe for the ‘shortcake’ biscuits on the box. Basically, I just added a few tablespoons of sugar to the regular biscuit dough. I also sprinkled sugar on top too.


Hit the spot. . . topped with a smear of strawberry jam. Perfectly sweet, doughy, and delicious!


Abby wasn’t sure if she wanted to play ball or have some biscuit. . .


Hope you are having a great Sunday! Smile

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Filed under Breakfast