Category Archives: Shred

30 Day Shred Review

About 6 weeks ago, I started using Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred


The DVD has 3 levels: 1, 2 and 3.

You are supposed to start at Level 1 and work your way up to the higher
levels when you feel ready.

Each level is a good workout, Level 2 is harder than Level 1 and Level 3
still kicks my a** every time I do it!

When I first started doing the DVD, I was a little disappointed. The DVD says
it is a 20 minute workout. Well, each workout ends up being about 27 –28 minutes
long. Not a huge difference, but a noticeable one.

You start with a brief 3 minute warm-up. Then, you get right to work. Each
level has 3 circuits. Each circuit is supposed to be 6 minutes long: 3 minutes
strength, 2 minutes cardio and 1 minute abs. So, I suppose that is where they
get their 20 minutes from – if you add up all 3 circuits it should be about 18
minutes. . .

For most of the moves, I used a set of 5 pound hand weights. On a few, I was
happy that I had a set of 10 pounders at home too. On the video, it looks like
they are holding 4-5 pound weights and they never change up.

There are two women doing the moves with Jillian: 1 that is doing the
‘easier’ version of the moves and 1 doing the higher level.

I like how Jillian doesn’t really sugar coat anything for you. She doesn’t
give a modification for jumping jacks, pretty much just tells you to suck it up
and do it. .. which again, I like. . . but some might not.

One thing she says a few times in the video is you have to push yourself if
you want to see change. Also, that in those last few reps where is just kills,
those are what counts and what is ultimately going to change your body. She is
also good at reminding you to remember why you bought the DVD in the first place
(duh, because you wanted to get shredded) and to not ‘phone it in’. . .

I haven’t done it every day for 30 days, but I have done it pretty regularly
over the past 6 weeks.

I didn’t take any before pictures or do any measurements or anything. . .

But, I have to say that this is one of the best DVDs I have done. I feel like
I am getting stronger. Some of the moves I couldn’t do for the whole time when I
first started doing the DVD, I can do now. Level 3 is still crazy. . . but I am
still working on it! 😉

I really like that there are 3 levels. . . if I have a hard run, I’ll do
Level 1. If I don’t have time to work out besides the DVD – up the intensity to
Level 3.

Overall, I would give this workout DVD an B+. .. definitely one I am glad I have in my
workout library!

Have you done 30 Day Shred or any Jillian
DVDs??? What did you think?


Filed under Shred

CSA Week 2

I am really loving our CSA!

Look at all the things in our bag this week:

Fresh strawberries


Rhubarb, green onion, asparagus, radishes




I am the most excited for this guy. . . kohlrabi – I have never had it before! 


I broke into the strawberries right away. I learned today that unfortunately because of all the wet weather we have had recently, it was really hard on the strawberry crops in Southern MN, so they won’t get a whole lot from their crop.

I put Scott to work on making waffles. . . unfortunately, it didn’t work out. The waffle totally got stuck to the waffle maker!


So, we snacked on crumbs – Abby helped!


And switched to pancakes.

I chopped up the strawberries and mixed then with a little bit of sugar to make an awesome pancake topping. I repeated the same with some fresh peaches.


Add syrup = awesome dinner!





Other eats today:

I had another wheat berry salad for lunch. I love the combo of wheat berries, veggies, avocado and balsamic vinaigrette.

Breakfast was a wonderful large caramel skim latte from Caribou – totally made my morning. I also snacked on a peach too. Love the fresh summer fruit!

After work, I ran around the local college for 3.5 miles and then did Shred Level 3 = totally a** kicking! The whole time I kept thinking about the beer I am going to have tomorrow night at the weekend country music festival I am going to with my sister. It really helped! Winking smile 

Tonight: play time with Abby, packing for the weekend, couch time with Scott.


What was your last dinner disaster?

I totally tried to make rhubarb compote last night = complete fail. I made it way too sweet trying to compensate for the totally bitter taste of rhubarb. . . Thankfully, we got more in this weeks CSA bag, so maybe I can try again??? Or make something else – any good rhubarb recipes?


Filed under Dinner, Running, Shred

Summer smoothie dinner

After work, Scott and I took Abby for a 4 mile run. We had a little sprinkle of rain in the middle . . . and enjoyed a beautiful rainbow too!

Afterwards, I hit up my Shred DVD for a little Level 2 action. And a quick play session with Abby!

Quick shower and I was so ready for dinner.  ..  and something cool and creamy sounded perfect.


Blended strawberry chobani yogurt, frozen strawberries, and OJ. Topped with banana chips, chopped strawberries and chia seeds.


Hit. the. spot. Perfect summer dinner.

Finished dinner with a Adora calcium disc and a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch.


Now, we are hanging on the couch, entertaining ourselves with the dog. . . and catching up on the Next Food Network Star from Sunday night.




Hope you are having a great night. ..  see ya tomorrow!

BTW – super excited for tomorrow, stay tuned for more info on my lunch containing this:



Filed under Abby, Dinner, Running, Shred